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Asbestos Hotline for Queenslanders

Queensland asbestos hotline lifesaver for locals

Asbestos is a serious issue for many people across the country. For Queenslanders, asbestos is a problem that affects homeowners, builders and business owners alike. The past few years have seen a significant effort towards removing asbestos and reducing the likelihood of asbestos related diseases. One thing that has recently been implemented is a new hotline.

The state government has launched an asbestos hotline that allows Queenslanders to find out if there is asbestos in their homes before it is too late. Combined with a website, the hotline gives information about how to find out if your home has asbestos and what to do about it before renovating.

Handling asbestos safely

Along with the hotline and website, the new plan also subjects asbestos removalists to a new licensing regime and lists them on the website. This includes the cutting of overlapping asbestos inspection responsibilities, with local councils now in charge of properties that are residential and commercial premises overseen by the state government. Additional training for inspectors is also included to help give them the skills and tools to identify asbestos and advise home and business owners on how to deal with it.

Although the Queensland Government has spent almost $100,000 on removing asbestos from commercial premises, such as schools, there are still 10,000 square metres of asbestos in government buildings, the bulk of which is too expensive to remove for the time being. Being such a serious issue, it is important to ensure people are educated and aware of the problem.

How can we help?

To learn more about asbestos, visit the About Asbestos tab on the Asbestosis and Mesothelioma Association of Australia (AMAA) site or call on 1800 017 758 for support and advice. With experts on hand, you can get all the information you need at AMAA.

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