How We Can Help

Strong support for those affected by Asbestosis and Mesothelioma

AMAA volunteers are available to help you, through offering telephone support, home and hospital visits, as well as monthly support group meetings.

Remember, you are not alone and AMAA can put you in contact with people who are in a similar situation and have been affected by asbestos. AMAA is here to support you and your family.

Medical support

Many people do not realise that they have an Asbestos Disease until they are consulted by their local Medical Practitioner for another problem. In many cases it is only detected during a medical examination or from the results of an X-ray, or other body scan.

If you believe you have Asbestos symptoms, do not delay in seeing your local Medical Practitioner. If your doctor is unsure of any Asbestos issue, of which many are, you should request a referral letter to a Respiratory Physician.

Dr Rob Nickels of the Tweed Head area gave an excellent presentation at our last seminar.

Gold Coast Tweed Area
Dr Rob Nickels – MB CHB MRCP
Respiratory Physician

John Flynn Hospital
Suite 6C Fred McKay House
42 Inland Drive
Tugun, QLD, 4224

Phone: (07) 5598 0211
Fax : (07) 5598 0227

Two very good physiotherapists who gave a presentation of their companies and products at our previous seminars are:

Zest 4 Living Therapy Services
John Flynn Hospital
Suite 6C Fred McKay House
42 Inland Drive
Tugun, QLD, 4224

Phone: (07) 5598 0211
Fax: (07) 5598 0227

Actively Ageing
Alison Ford
Phone (07) 3289 3953 or 0409 345 047

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