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Pilot Demolition house addresses released

Initial onsite activity has begun at the five pilot demolition properties, with the fences now in place in Wanniassa (two properties), Evatt, Melba and Farrer.

Fencing, including fence wrap which clearly identifies the property as a Mr Fluffy as well as provide the Taskforce communication points, has been installed on this site. Internal asbestos removal will begin next week, with demolition expected the week after, weather permitting.

The five pilot houses are:

  • 81 Sternberg Crescent, Wanniassa
  • 60 Guthridge Crescent, Wanniassa
  • 18 Emerton Street, Evatt
  • 8 Flower Place, Melba
  • 16 Longerenonge Street, Farrer

In the last two weeks the Taskforce has door knocked and engaged face to face with more than 170 homeowners and this will continue through the next stages of work. The door knocks are an ongoing opportunity for neighbouring residents to speak directly with the Taskforce about any concerns, ask any questions and provide feedback.

For more information about this activity please visit the Asbestos Taskforce website at

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