Diagnosis of Mesothelioma decades after exposure
Asbestos exposure has a number of serious consequences that many people are only now seeing, decades after exposure. In fact, a recent study in Western Australia has found that the risk of developing mesothelioma continues to increase even 40 years after a person’s first exposure to asbestos. Rather than declining with time, it was found that the rate and risk of pleural mesothelioma increased until 45 years after the first contact. After 45 years the risk rate then appeared to slow down.
Worldwide study
The study, completed by the Curtin University and UWA School of Public Health, is the first of its kind. Investigating 22,048 people across the globe using data from six cohort studies of exposed workers and two of residential exposures, the study had a wide range of interesting discoveries, including that of the rate of risk over the years since exposure.
Get checked as soon as possible
Although it was found that the risk eventually passes for pleural mesothelioma, it was also found that peritoneal mesothelioma incidences over 10 to 50 years continued to increase. Those researching said they were surprised by the findings and that it was essential for those who may have been in a job or home where asbestos exposure was possible should be checked as soon as possible.
Asbestos help is not far away
Although asbestos has been banned for decades, the danger is ever-present and it is important to be informed and get support if you have been affected. Whether you worked with asbestos many years ago or are worried your home may contain the dangerous substance, help isn’t far away. At the Asbestosis and Mesothelioma Association of Australia, you can get the information, support and assistance you need. Call 1800 017 758 to discuss this study or anything asbestos-related today.