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Asbestos Cement Pipes AMAA

The Billion Dollar Cost: Canada & Asbestos

A recent report emerging from Canada shows the impact of asbestos to the community is significant. The Globe and Mail article (see link below) reports that asbestos related cancers are costing Canadians billions.

While the Canadian government is looking at options to ban the import and export of asbestos from Canada, many more Canadians are falling victim to asbestos related conditions including mesothelioma.

The article provides insights from the researchers, government and workers advocates who plead for change to protect people from asbestos exposure. Too many people are failing to be adequately protected and safeguards put in place to minimise the impact of asbestos.  As one commentator in the article says, “Nobody goes to work to die…”.

AMAA supports the calls for the international ban on asbestos, as was achieved here in Australia and is upheld by the vital work of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA). The efforts and role of ASEA are internationally recognised and are applauded by AMAA.  Perhaps the Canadian government could learn from our experience here in Australia.

To read the full article go to:

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