We are here for you
To all the families part of the AMAA community,
We are all facing some tough times at the moment: uncertainty, fear, hardship, isolation and possibly illness.
There has never been a more important time for us to be united as a community. As support volunteers, we want you to know that we stand with you and that our community will stay strong.
With many of us working or resting at home, it is important for us to remain connected with one another.
Here are some things we can do:
1. Set up Skype, Facetime, Zoom or Facebook messenger and get chatting. AMAA can help you work through the setup process for these social medium’s if you do not have them already and are interested.
2. Arrange virtual catch-ups – have a cup of coffee or a wine and set up a video chat. Make sure it has video even though you may look unkept 😉 We all will!
3. Call AMAA on 1800 017 758 (toll free) anytime or via email at info@www.asbestosassociation.com.au for a chat or to ask us for assistance in any way. AMAA volunteers are determined to remain supporting you through this difficult time – even though it has to be with social distancing.
The AMAA team would like to wish all of you a peaceful and safe Easter weekend.
One day soon, when this is all over, we will gather together in person once more. Until that time, we need to stay as connected as possible and be there for each other.
Stay safe! Reach out if we can help you with anything.
The AMAA team