News & Events

Bunnings Trade Expo

Bunnings Trade Expo 2022

The Asbestosis and Mesothelioma Association of Australia Limited (AMAA) were proud to be a stall holder at the recent Bunnings Trade Expo, the one that was held in Brisbane on Thursday 18th August 2022.

It is the first time that Asbestos Support and Awareness groups have been welcomed at such a trade event.

The AMAA stall provided awareness raising literature, Cd’s and other sources of information regarding asbestos awareness at work, and for DIY renovators. Also, disease, symptoms, testing and currently available treatments.

AMAA volunteers were approached by over 70 people directly. Both tradespeople and members of the general public seeking advice about the location of asbestos in the built environment. How to find it, how to identify it and how to safely remove asbestos. AMAA provided information about access to qualified asbestos testing personnel, certified asbestos removalists and appropriate stop work protocols if asbestos is found in a work place.

There were over 100 stall holders at the event from 3M Australia, BOSTIK, Bunnies builder’s, Taubman’s and the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC).

Many of the stall holders also approached AMAA seeking information and education tools/advice for their staff.

AMAA is positive that being able to provide information about the dangers of asbestos and the best safe practices at such a large trade event, is a great position to be alerting, reminding and explaining to Australians that asbestos is not worth the risk to your health.

Thank you to Bunnings and the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency of Australia (ASEA) for providing AMAA this opportunity.

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