Living with mesothelioma
There is currently no cure for mesothelioma. If you or a loved one have the disease, there might be periods when there is a reasonable level of health and other times, where treatment will be needed to control symptoms. The current treatments offered in Australia are varied. From surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or more recently: combined chemo and immunotherapies.
Some Australian hospitals and doctors specialise in treating mesothelioma. New treatments are also being developed all the time, so talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking part in a clinical trial. You can look up registered trials at the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials register It is essential to discuss these with your doctor.
It is also very helpful to patients, families and friends to seek support. The Asbestosis and Mesothelioma Association (AMAA) offers help and advice with a range of issues, including how to find medical specialists, legal help (In Australia, people who develop mesothelioma and their families may be entitled to compensation) , patient to patient support groups, disability assistance and palliative care advice. Please contact us 24/7 on 1800 015 758.
If you were diagnosed after 1 July 2010, it is also helpful to advise the Australian Mesothelioma Registry (AMR), which will help the government design policies to prevent others from getting mesothelioma in future.